Saturday, March 10, 2012

Listen.(doo dah doo) do you wanna know a secret (doo dah doo)… Do you promise not to tell….Oh ooo oh ooooh..

Are you hearing the Beatles?   Me too…

There are, when it comes to secrets, only a few different types of people.
The secret keeper.
And the answer seeker.
These are your top players right here.

And a lot depends on how well you play the game.  If you are the secret keeper and can’t actually stand to keep the secret, then the game is not going to last all that long.
If you can take a secret to the grave, then you will find that you give a lot of brain space over to making sure that info never comes out of the vault.

The answer seekers too can take on varying guises… you might employ the ‘badger’ technique where you constantly bombard the keeper with a billion inane questions till  he slips up in sheer frustration.
Or you might also employ the ‘pout’ method, where you go from cajoling to irate in 0.25 seconds, beginning with begging catapulting to full on demanding that you will not be friends anymore unless said secret is divulged.

Ok… LOL….


Welcome to my world.

You don’t get to my age without a few secrets stashed away.  Some of them your own, some of them other peoples.  Maybe even yours ;)

And I, like everyone else, would be horrified if anyone came along, threw open the cupboards and rattled my skeletons.

But I digress…

Right now, I am a secret keeper … this particular secret is not a ‘national interest’ type secret… but rather… something that started out as a game and has quickly escalated to ‘sheep station’ status.

It all began about a week ago.  The organiser of our little assault on the US decided it’d be fun to ponder the question of ‘Who is Izzy?’ on our dedicated page.

One clue a day was dispensed.
No questions were allowed to be asked ( but constantly are  :D  )
Only a correct answer wins.


Guesses have ranged from near misses, to ‘wtf are you on about’ … and its hilarious to watch.
And naturally with a group this size,  we have them all, the ‘pout’ method, the bribery, threats of mutiny, and talk of homicidal tendencies.
Some players have thrown their hands in the air with brain ache-ages .  Some players are clutching at some of the wildest guesses that when read, I can hardly breath with laughing… in Sandie’s words “ that one was as close as Jupiter is to my upstairs bathroom”  ( or words to that effect).

Of course, it only took about 24 hours before the random google answers started appearing.

And when photos of remains of meals with said ‘Izzy’ started appearing on the page , so did the cracks in the composure in some of the seekers.

Seriously, I have been laughing all week because of this… If this is an indication of Sandie’s Machiavellian abilities… this is going to be FUN… with a capital F.

So why am I enjoying this all so much you might ask?
Shouldn’t I be tearing out my hair trying to figure it out?

LOL…  ummm… nup… the answer occurred to me on around day 3, but I didn’t have a chance to post my musings till about day 7… and it was promptly deleted and I have been accepted into the ‘circle of trust’.


So I have been offered free drinks on the plane for the anwer… nup… won’t cut it… drinks are already free, and um… I’m on a different plane ;)

I have been blackmailed with needing a ‘go to girl’ ( and Melissa, I’m thinking you will be a LOT of fun on this trip)  but nup… I can survive at the back of the pack if I have to.

And the game continues…

My only advice to the other seekers…
 ‘Confucius say -  listen much, talk little’…. Although, don’t quote me on that, not sure he really did say that, but he probably should have if he didn’t.

And I’ll finish by saying that I 
 LOATH secrets, they fester and make a mess… but this one is just plain fun and I’m happy to keep it.

 And if you weren't hearing the Beatles before, this will jog your memory.... for my dear friend Lib whose dedication to the Beatles when all around her were Adam Ant fans... :)