Saturday, February 18, 2012

Come fly with me...

You haven't seen a tree until you've seen its shadow from the sky. ~ Amelia Earhart

So true…

Or for that matter, Mt Fuji in Japan, Lake Eyre in Australia, A vast volcanic pumicestone slick through the Pacific Ocean, the tropical paradise of islands in Tahiti, the endless ice shelf of a glacier and the ‘bumpy green’ landscape of New Zealand are all views I’ve had the pleasure of enjoying from the sky I will never forget. 
I LOVE flying with a passion.  Everytime I get thrust back into my seat on takeoff a little moment of bliss engulfs me.
But for some reason, it is always something I put off doing when I’m planning a trip.

And so that I don’t have to swim all the way to LA, its high time that I booked my flight.  But in order to do that, I have to weigh the pros and cons of the cost of two extra days in La La land.  

And you would think that being a travel agent would make those decisions infinitely easier… a snap I hear you say…  but no… let me tell you, that putting together amazing holidays for anyone else is something I relish, but when its for yourself, the hundreds of other considerations come into play becomes way more personal. ..
Do they have free wifi?
Is it walking distance to the park? (having shuttled it once before from a little further away makes it hard NOT  to nod off before you get to your stop – never a good look if you dribble when you doze )
King bed?
 Queen room?
 Jacuzzi suite?
Do they have free breakfast?  And does said breakfast come up to scratch? And if not, is there easy alternatives close by?
And of course… amuchisit  for two extra nights?

So today, having uninterrupted time to ponder all those options and a multitude more, I launched myself online with determination to decide before nightfall where I want to stay, so I can check the rates at work tomorrow.

And then start looking for the perfect flight… read cheapest ;) , although, that is not the only
consideration… do I want to transit through China for the absolute cheapest flight? Am I willing to pay hundreds more to go direct?  Do I just want to fly with the same airline I already have done, knowing that it was a great flight with all the amenities I expect for a long haul flight?

Hmmm…. And now that the other travelers have secured their seats, I really think I should give the whole thing a bit more time and effort...
While I am not one to get all that giddy before the whole take-off moment,( in fact, I am almost a little blasé about the whole thing – particularly if I get dragged over to do the drug pat down with Big  Bertha behind a screen – which I almost always am)  I really was swept up in their excitement of seat
allocations, wing or parson’s nose, aisle or window and not to forget the self serve snack bar when word got out that flights for all the Sydney contingent had been secured….

I’ve also decided to get myself an annual pass to allow me unlimited access to the parks at will because there is no such thing as too much Disney… and even if I don’t get back within the 12 months, I’ve decided that the discounts it affords make it well worth it, given the amount of time in the parks on  Sandie’s running sheet.  Discounts in most of the restaurants, the shops in both parks and Down Town Disney as well will save me more than the extra cost by the time I’m all ‘Disney-ed up’.    

And for that to be the case, there’s likely to be another suit case involved… 

But my friends, ever since I lost both my parents way too young,  I have been the first person to shout from the mountain tops  CARPE DIEM… and then attempt to live it.

I have no intention of life passing me by( too much of it already has) and the more of the world I can explore, the happier my soul will be.  Ever since I was a little girl on a farm in the middle of nowhere, my dreams of seeing, tasting, smelling and relishing every moment of each adventure on this big blue ball was my one abiding passion. 

And it remains the same today… so unless I find some shark-proof floaties or grow feathers, I better book that seat to La La Land pronto ;)

Lisa xxx

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Smoke Signals

Well, while I wait for that ‘one day in September’ my life plods forward, or more accurately, zig zags in the general direction of somewhere interesting. 

And with Valentines Day looming in just a scant few days, and despite occasionally being ‘involved’,  I find myself pondering the seriously crappy luck of always being bloke-free on THE day of leerve.  The only day of the year you might expect something exorbitant and sparkly for no other reason than he can’t stop thinking about you. 

Really really poor timing.

For someone like myself who’s ‘love currency’ is being ‘princess-ised’ this is a grave injustice.
For instance… go ahead and buy me a bunch of the most exotic and colourful flowers you can find and I will LOVE that, but honey… there better be two business class tickets to Paris in an envelope attached and a promise to kiss me at sunset at the top of the Eiffel Tower… or your chances  with me are probably a snowballs somewhere hot.

I’ve received the ‘thought that counts’ peck on the cheek and ‘Valentines day is a crock’  gift for so many years, I’ve got a couple of decades of ‘HELL YES, I actually do value you as much as this gift suggests’ to catch up on. 

Which might also explain why I am currently single. 

People often ask the question ‘ why ARE you single?’
And the answer is I have no idea… clearly I’m so close to perfect is just not measureable.

But in all seriousness, there are only two ways a girl can go once she has a few scars from the rounds before.
You either clasp at straws ( or the first dropkick that has the gall to grab your arse on the way past ) because you believe that is the best you can do and you better get it where you can…

You become VERY VERY wary.  Very very choosy. And believe you are worth the effort required to get past your siege-like defences. 

And while you are waiting for Prince Charming to show his mettle you devise a few terms and conditions.

That would be me.

And naturally Prince Charming need not arrive presented in a Ryan Reynolds-like wrapper, silver foxes will be accepted, and effort clearly taken will be noted just the same.

Ohhh… and get this…. Crushes feel exactly the same when you are grown up as they do when you are at school…

 who knew, right???

You lose just as much time dreaming away in delicious imaginary scenarios as you did back in the day.  Only this time, it’s the boss telling you to get back to work rather than the principal… with a lot less little hearts over your ‘i’s too… which at this point I’m thinking is a good thing.

So this year, while I toil away at my desk on Valentines Day  with no expectation of beautiful  flowers, haighs chocolates and Thomas Sabo glittery things arriving across it, I’ll still have my daydreams of a parallel universe where the ‘crush man’ acknowledges my existence,  to raise the temperature of the day.

And word to the wise, don’t send me smoke signals,  honestly, subtlety is completely  lost on me… he’d have to drag me back to his cave by the hair before  I figured out he was interested anyway… LOL

Or simply talk to me.  That works.

for example:  a recent conversation with friends:

Lisa: so he's just bragging when he tells me his room number, right...
Friend:  pfffftt... are you kidding... honey, you're supposed to turn up with nothing more than a trench coat, hooker heels and a sexy smile... 
Lisa:  Seriously ???? reeeeally??
        I doubt that's what was meant...  
                                                no, wait...      Really????

smoke signals have too many confusing.

Happy Valentines Day, I hope your heart catches on fire with the elation it just cant contain… I hope the kisses you get are filled with promise ….and from a way better wordsmith than myself…

‘if its not madness,
                             its not love’…

Mwah  xoxoxo