Saturday, September 15, 2012

Hot in the City....

Whoa it hot out there today .  
As I write this, its almost 5pm and its still 38C outside.  The temperature would easily have been into the 40’s at lunch time when I was wandering around Downtown Disney.  There were screaming children in every direction purely due to the heat searing your throat when you breathe.   You know that blast of hot melting heat when you open the oven?  Yep, that… coming off the footpath as you walked across it, with no escaping  but moving forward.   Seriously. 
I stayed for a few hours just wandering and pondering .   I sat in the shade to have another lovely Wetzel dog and their FABULOUS fresh lemonade which was so good in the heat.   It was sad to see so many babies clearly distressed by being out in such extreme temps…
And even though I am usually  glow in the dark white, I swear that the little bit of time in this blazing sunshine has altered my colouring a bit… My only purchases today, other than food was of course copious amounts of water and another trip to Marcelines Confectionary… this time, I bought a fresh super sweet pineapple spear dipped in chocolate… OMG… heaven on a stick. 

As a result of the extreme temps, I came back to my hotel around mid arvo totally par boiled and headed for the pool regardless of how many bodies it might already house.  Lucky for me, I got in about a good 20 minutes before the crowd so I had a little time with relatively few kids who feel the need to cannon ball in a pool no bigger than a backyard one… and the worst offenders… yep… the Aussie kids…
So damp but cooled off, I headed back to the comfort of the aircon once the cannon ballers arrived, to  just stay cool and prepare for the next leg.   You would hardly believe I’d want to be doing washing but I decided that if its ever going to dry in a flash, today is it,  and I’ll have a fresh start for Vegas.
I’ve had some issues getting into the time zone too… for the first time ever, and found myself wide awake at 1am… and there was a lot of kerfuffle going on outside on the stairs… I stayed indoors , but now I wonder what was going on, as around mid morning as I was sitting with my feet in the pool, along came 2 fire trucks full of fire-ies and an ambulance wielding a trolley.  Nothing was given away though and all left within a halfa with none of us around the pool any the wiser.   Destined to be one of life’s little mysteries.
With my shuttle all arranged for the morning,  all I have to do now is get an early night and be at the airport to meet up with the rest of the travellers and head up to Vegas for the ‘tour de California’ to begin.
Without the luxury of free wifi in Vegas as I have here, I’m not sure when the next post will be… failing finding a free macca’s to upload, it’ll be when we hit Anaheim and free wifi again in a few days time for a big ol’ update… hopefully though, we’ll be able to do so in Vegas.
Time will tell…  ciao for now  xxx

The gourmet Jelly Bean wall... just a fraction of the goodness... peach is always my fav.

some of the beautiful Halloween decos in Marcelines Confectionery...varying scenes line the walls and are just stunning.

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